The sound of Cracow 15/11/2018

Krakow is a city abundant with music. From every corner, from every pub, flirting tunes are flowing. It’s an inevitable element of a unique atmosphere of this place. The characteristics of the city of Kings is a variety, which also reflects via types of music that fill the streets.

Classical music

The entire area of ​​the Krakow Market Square belongs to it. The most popular melodies heard through the doors of elegant restaurants are melodies written with hands, Chopin’s most-loved composer by Poles. Often, street artists present their own versions of his wonderful works on various instruments.

As often from the Church of Saint. Wojciech, which is located in the Main Square, beautiful sounds composed by the best composers in history flow. Inside the building unique concerts take place, often encouraging pedestrians to relax on the stairs of the temple.

Classical music is extremely vivid in Krakow, mainly because it perfectly fits the climate of the city. It helps to slow down everyone in a hurry and gives a unique character to the Main Market Square, somehow transferring visitors to old times.

Klezmer music

This is the domain of one of the most popular and most beautiful districts of Krakow – Kazimierz. Years ago, only Jews inhabited it. Klezmer music wandering its streets is one of the many remnants of their culture. The unique atmosphere of Kazimierz is the merit of artists who took possession of it and began to promote art flowing in their veins, including traditional Jewish music. When visiting Krakow, one cannot miss the district that is its beating heart or miss on the opportunity to hear the truly exceptional klezmer sound.

Folk music

The city, which was once the capital of Poland, must be strongly associated with folk music. One of the manifestations of Krakow’s attachment to folk music is a bugle calls played several times a day, which has already become a symbol. Being in the Main Square, it is worth listening to the touching melody of a wonderful story. The cultivation of traditional Polish melodies, costumes and dance is equally alive. Often you can meet artists who maintain customs in the Old Town. However, to truly understand Polish folk and have fun in a traditional style, it is worth buying tickets for a dedicated concert. What’s most interesting, Krakovian rhythms are very positive, fast and energizing, thus perfectly reflect the pace of modern life in the city.